Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Overriding AUTO_INCREMENT Need to use a specific value if a column is designated
as AUTO_INCREMENT ? You can—simply specify a value in the INSERT statement,
and as long as it is unique (has not been used yet) that value will be used instead of an
automatically generated one. Subsequent incrementing will start using the value manu-
ally inserted. (See the table population scripts in Appendix B, “The Example Tables” for
examples of this.)
Determining the AUTO_INCREMENT Value One downside of having MariaDB
generate (via auto increment) primary keys for you is that you don't know what those
values are.
Consider this scenario: You are adding a new order. This requires creating a single row
in the orders table and then a row for each item ordered in the orderitems table.
The order_num is stored along with the order details in orderitems . This is how
the orders and orderitems table are related to each other. And that obviously
requires that you know the generated order_num after the orders row was inserted
and before the orderitems rows are inserted.
So how could you obtain this value when an AUTO_INCREMENT column is used? By
using the last_insert_id() function, like this:
SELECT last_insert_id();
This returns the last AUTO_INCREMENT value, which you can then use in subsequent
SQL statements.
Specifying Default Values
MariaDB enables you to specify default values to be used if no value is specified
when a row is inserted. Default values are specified using the DEFAULT key-
word in the column definitions in the CREATE TABLE statement.
Look at the following example:
CREATE TABLE orderitems
order_num int NOT NULL ,
order_item int NOT NULL ,
prod_id char(10) NOT NULL ,
quantity int NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
item_price decimal(8,2) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (order_num, order_item)
) ENGINE=Aria;
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