Database Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Retrieve the customer information for all the customer IDs returned in
the previous step.
Each of these steps can be executed as a separate query. By doing so, you use
the results returned by one SELECT statement to populate the WHERE clause of
the next SELECT statement.
You can also use subqueries to combine all three queries into one single
The first SELECT statement should be self-explanatory by now. It retrieves the
order_num column for all order items with a prod_id of TNT2 . The output
lists the two orders containing this item:
SELECT order_num
FROM orderitems
WHERE prod_id = 'TNT2';
| order_num |
| 20005 |
| 20007 |
The next step is to retrieve the customer IDs associated with orders 20005
and 20007 . Using the IN clause described in Chapter 7, “Advanced Data
Filtering,” you can create a SELECT statement as follows:
SELECT cust_id
FROM orders
WHERE order_num IN (20005,20007);
| cust_id |
| 10001 |
| 10004 |
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