Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Every column listed in GROUP BY must be a retrieved column or a valid
expression (but not an aggregate function). If an expression is used in
the SELECT , that same expression must be specified in GROUP BY . Aliases
cannot be used.
Aside from the aggregate calculations statements, every column in your
SELECT statement should be present in the GROUP BY clause.
If the grouping column contains a row with a NULL value, NULL will be
returned as a group. If there are multiple rows with NULL values, they'll
all be grouped together.
The GROUP BY clause must come after any WHERE clause and before any
ORDER BY clause.
Using ROLLUP To obtain values at each group and at a summary level (for each group),
use the WITH ROLLUP keyword, as seen here:
SELECT vend_id, COUNT(*) AS num_prods
FROM products
Filtering Groups
In addition to being able to group data using GROUP BY , MariaDB also allows
you to filter which groups to include and which to exclude. For example, you
might want a list of all customers who have made at least two orders. To obtain
this data you must filter based on the complete group, not on individual rows.
You've already seen the WHERE clause in action (introduced back in Chapter 6,
“Filtering Data.”) But WHERE does not work here because WHERE filters specific
rows, not groups. As a matter of fact, WHERE has no idea what a group is.
So what do you use instead of WHERE ? MariaDB provides yet another clause
for this purpose: the HAVING clause. HAVING is similar to WHERE . In fact, all types
of WHERE clauses you learned about thus far can also be used with HAVING . The
only difference is that WHERE filters rows and HAVING filters groups.
HAVING Supports All of WHERE ' s Operators In Chapter 6 and Chapter 7,
“Advanced Data Filtering,” you learned about WHERE clause conditions (including wild-
card conditions and clauses with multiple operators). All the techniques and options
you learned about WHERE can be applied to HAVING . The syntax is identical; just the
keyword is different.
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