Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Left Nikolai Cathedral Center Stone name plates, Nezu Shrine Right Gokoku-ji Temple
Places of Worship
! Sengaku-ji Temple
$ Hie Shrine
The graves of the 47 loyal
ronin (retainers), who committed
suicide after avenging their
master's death (see p32), are
still visited by those who
continue to honor their
memory. The original
temple dates from 1612.
The main hall was obliter-
ated in the 1945 air raids,
but the reconstruction
is faithful to the last
detail (see p110) .
@ Gokoku-ji
Reconstructed in 1967 after
the Tokyo air raids, the 1659
building originally served as the
protective shrine of Edo Castle.
In gratitude, successive sho-
guns donated lavish gifts of
swords and sacred horses
to the shrine. A line of
orange torii gates forms
a colorful tunnel through
the grounds (see p90) .
% Yushima Seido
One of the few
Confucian temples
in Tokyo, Yushima
Seido was founded in 1632. The
current site and its great stone-
flagged courtyard date from
1935. A statue of Confucius is
located near the main gate.
d Map F3 • 1-4-25 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku
• 3251-4606 • Open 9:30am-5pm
Statue of Confucius,
Yushima Seido Temple
A rare find in modern
Tokyo, this designated Important
Cultural Treasure was built by the
fifth shogun, Tsunayoshi, in 1681.
The temple and the main gate
have remained intact. Some inter-
esting outbuildings include a
wooden belfry and an ancient
two-story pagoda. Despite its
historical credentials, the temple
grounds are little visited today.
d Map C1 • 5-40-1 Otsuka, Bunkyo-ku
• 3941-0764
^ Kanda Myojin Shrine
A concrete reconstruction
of the 1616 master design, this
shrine has a green, oxidized roof,
£ Senso-ji Temple
This massive religious
edifice, reconstructed after
WWII, is the focus of life in the
Asakusa district. The sweeping
roof of the main hall is visible
from the Kaminari-mon, the
great gate to the temple. Inside
the main hall, burning candles,
incense sticks, and votive
plaques add to the air of
sanctity (see pp10-11) .
Ornate gate, Kanda Myojin Shrine
The Kanda Myojin Shrine is dedicated to the popular
rebel Taira no Masakado.
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