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Figure 11.2.
Querying the est predicate
?- est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [b,a]).
?- est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [u]).
?- est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [p,d]).
Figure 11.3.
Tracing the est predicate
Call: (5) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [u])
Call: (6) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [p,b])
Call: (7) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [a,b])
Call: (8) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [b])
Call: (9) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [])
Exit: (9) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [])
Exit: (8) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [b])
Exit: (7) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [a,b])
Exit: (6) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [p,b])
Exit: (5) est([[a],[b],[u,p,b],[p,a]], [u])
2. q has head a and tail t , and there is a list in k whose head is also a and
whose tail is b , and est
k , q )
holds (recursively), where q is the list formed
by joining b and t .
This leads to the following two clauses for the est predicate:
% est(K,Q): query Q can be established from knowledge base K
est(K,[A|T]) :- member([A|B],K), append(B,T,Q), est(K,Q).
In the first clause, est holds trivially when the query is empty. In the second clause,
the query is nonempty; it has head A and tail T ; and one must find (using member )an
element of the knowledge base K whose head is also A and whose tail (the body of the
clause) is B . To establish the original query, one must be able to establish (recursively)
a new query Q that is the result of joining B and T (using append ). Note that these two
clauses for est form a very concise description of back-chaining.
Some additional examples of using this predicate appear in figure 11.2. It is not
hard to see that this program works just the way Prolog does, that is, est (
k , q
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