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is divisible by 3. In particular, at the start of the game, Max, who moves first, cannot
guarantee a win:
?- win_move(21,max,M).
Once Max moves, by taking either one or two chips, Min will be able to make a
winning move by leaving Max with eighteen chips, that number being divisible by 3:
?- win_move(20,min,M).
?- win_move(19,min,M).
So the behavior of win_move makes clear that if Min plays perfectly, Max will lose.
Observe that this strategy of keeping the number of chips available to the opponent
divisible by 3 is not programmed anywhere. It emerges out of looking at the entire
game tree and labeling each of the nodes.
10.2.4 A second example: Tic-tac-toe
In some way tic-tac-toe is simpler than Race to 21, and playing it well is a challenge
only for very young players. But there are some interesting complications, including
the possibility of a tie.
The first decision in writing a tic-tac-toe program is how to represent the states and
moves. A state of the 3
3 board in tic-tac-toe is determined by the markers in each of
the nine possible positions. So a state can be represented by a list with nine elements,
p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 , p 5 , p 6 , p 7 , p 8 , p 9 ]
, where each p i is x or o or another character indicating
blank, here a hyphen - (not to be confused the Prolog underscore, _ ). So the initial
state of a tic-tac-toe game is represented by the list [-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-] , where all
the positions are vacant. The game is over in any state where one of the following
conditions holds:
There are three x marks making a straight line ( x wins).
There are three o marks making a straight line ( o wins).
Every p i in the state is either x or o (the board is full).
A move in tic-tac-toe involves a player's putting a mark in one of the vacant positions.
So a move is represented by a number m such that 1
9 , with the proviso that
in the current state, p m = - .
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