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Figure 10.5.
A general game player
% This general game player needs these predicates to be defined:
% - player(Player)
% - game_over(State,Player,Winner)
% - legal_move(BeforeState,Player,Move,AfterState)
% label(S,P,W): state S with player P to move is labeled winner W.
label(S,P,W) :- game_over(S,P,W).
label(S,P,P) :- win_move(S,P,_).
label(S,P,neither) :- \+ win_move(S,P,_), tie_move(S,P,_).
label(S,P,Q) :- opp(P,Q), \+ tie_move(S,P,_), \+ game_over(S,P,_).
% win_move(S,P,M): P can win by making move M.
win_move(S,P,M) :- \+ game_over(S,P,_), opp(P,Q),
legal_move(S,P,M,New), label(New,Q,P).
% tie_move(S,P,M): P can avoid losing by making move M.
tie_move(S,P,M) :- \+ game_over(S,P,_), opp(P,Q),
legal_move(S,P,M,New), \+ label(New,Q,Q).
opp(P,Q) :- player(P), player(Q), \+ P=Q.
If the game is over in state S , then label the node with the winner ( P , Q ,or
neither ) according to the rules of the game.
Otherwise, label the node with P as the winner if there is a legal move from S to
a state S where S is labeled with P as the winner. This move is called a winning
move for P in game state S .
Otherwise, label the node with neither as the winner if there is a legal move
from S to a state S where S is not labeled with Q as the winner. This move is
called a nonlosing move for P in game state S .
Otherwise, label the node with Q as the winner.
Except for condition 3 (having to do with ties), this summarizes what was done
in the tree for Max and Min in figure 10.4. Regarding a tie, a node is labeled with
neither when a player has no winning move but has a move to a state that is not
labeled with the opponent's winning.
These principles can be encoded in a Prolog program, shown in figure 10.5. This
defines a general game player. As with planning, for each specific game, a program-
mer will need to provide clauses that define the player , game_over , and legal_move
predicates for that game. (The initial_state predicate is not used here.) Once these
are provided, the predicate win_move can be used to see if there is a winning move
from a state; and tie_move , to see if there is a move that avoids losing.
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