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Figure 7.4.
Using the list version of the blocks world program
?- left(b1,b7).
Call: (7) left(b1, b7)
Call: (8) scene(_L205) % Get the scene.
Exit: (8) scene([[b1, b2], [b3, b4, b5, b6], [b7]])
% Generate a first pair of stacks.
Call: (8) before(_L206, _L207, ...)
Exit: (8) before([b1, b2], [b3, b4, b5, b6],...)
Call: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2]) % Test if X is in the first.
Exit: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2]) % YES
Call: (8) member(b7, [b3, b4, b5, b6]) % Test if Y is in the second.
Fail: (8) member(b7, [b3, b4, b5, b6]) %
Redo: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2])
Fail: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2])
% Generate another pair of stacks.
Redo: (8) before(_L206, _L207, ...)
Exit: (8) before([b1, b2], [b7], ...)
Call: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2])
% Test if X is in the first.
Exit: (8) member(b1, [b1, b2])
Call: (8) member(b7, [b7])
% Test if Y is in the second.
Exit: (8) member(b7, [b7])
Exit: (7) left(b1, b7)
% The second pair works.
7.3.1 The blocks world revisited
The predicates member and append can be used to define a much more succinct version
of the blocks-world program (see section 4.2).
Here is the idea. An entire blocks-world scene can be represented by a left-to-right
list of stacks, where a stack is represented by a top-to-bottom list of blocks. So the
scene depicted in figure 4.1 is represented by the following list:
The predicates above and left can then be defined using the before predicate:
A block X is above a block Y in the scene if there is a stack in the scene where X
appears before Y in the stack.
A block X is somewhere to the left of a block Y if there is a stack in the scene that
contains X that is before a stack in the scene that contains Y .
The full blocks-world program is shown in figure 7.3. A trace of the left predicate is
shown in figure 7.4.
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