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where the body would contain
153 inequalities. It would clearly be
much better to be able to write just one predicate, like this:
uniq_people(L) :- ... % For any number of people
This predicate would have to work for any collection L of people, no matter how big
or small. Prolog provides such a collection, and it is called a list.
A Prolog list is a sequence of objects that are called its elements . Here are some
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A two-element list whose first element is the constant anna and whose second
element is the constant karenina .
A five-element list.
Lists may have repeated elements.
A list with no elements: the empty list .
Lists may contain other lists as elements:
A list whose three elements are also lists.
Another three-element list.
A one-element list whose single element is the empty list.
Note that a one-element list is different from the element itself:
[anna] is different from anna ;
[[]] is different from [] .
The first element of a nonempty list is called the head of the list. The list that is formed
by removing that first element (and the comma that follows it, if there is one) is called
the tail of the list. Here are some examples:
[a,b,c,d] has head a and tail [b,c,d] ;
[[a],b,[c]] has head [a] and tail [b,[c]] ;
[a,[b,c]] has head a and tail [[b,c]] ;
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