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Figure 6.6.
The sketch map interpretation
solution(R1,R2,R3,R4,R5) :-
region(R1), region(R2), region(R3), region(R4), region(R5),
% Size constraints
\+ small(R1), \+ small(R2), \+ small(R3),
\+ small(R4), small(R5),
% Regularity constraints (none for R4)
regular(R3), regular(R5), \+ regular(R2), \+ regular(R1),
% Border constraints
border(R1,R2), border(R2,R4),
% Containment constraints
inside(R3,R2), inside(R5,R4).
% The definitions of region, small, border, etc. are elsewhere.
?- solution(R1,R2,R3,R4,R5).
R1 = water,
R2 = grass,
R3 = house,
R4 = pavement,
R5 = vehicle
This is the only visual interpretation that satisfies all the constraints. Note how the
interpretations for some regions help to disambiguate others. For example, R4 is large,
so it cannot be a vehicle. But it is not clear whether it should be seen as regular or
irregular. However, it clearly surrounds region R5 , and once it is determined that R5 is
a vehicle, background knowledge leads to the conclusion that R4 must be pavement.
On a much smaller scale, this is precisely the sort of thinking that took place to
interpret the blob as a car in figure 6.2!
Also note that the constraints work together to identify the regions and that there
can be redundancy. For example, if the \+ small(R3) constraint is eliminated from
the solution predicate, one still gets a unique interpretation of the image as before.
This is why it was not necessary to specify whether region R4 was regular or irregular
in the image. On the other hand, if the small(R5) constraint were eliminated instead,
there would be two interpretations: the previous one and a second one where R5 is
a house. Of course, if the constraint \+ small(R1) were replaced by small(R1) , the
image would have no interpretation at all.
6.3 Polyhedral objects
Figure 6.7 shows a very different type of image, a three-dimensional, L-shaped, block-
like object (or polyhedron ). At first, it is not clear that any interpretation is needed here.
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