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removed or a second cousin twice removed and so on, and fill in the details
7. descendant , ancestor .
x is a descendant of y if x is either a child of y or (recursively) of someone who
is a descendant of y . x is an ancestor of y if y is a descendant of x .
8. cousin .
x is a cousin of y if some parent of x and some parent of y are either siblings
or (recursively) cousins. (The x and y will always end up being n th cousins for
some n . For example, fourth cousins will have parents who are third cousins.)
9. closest_common_ancestor .
x is a closest common ancestor of two people y and z if x is an ancestor of both
y and z and no child of x is an ancestor of y and z . (A closest common ancestor
of two first cousins will be someone who is a grandparent of both.)
10. write_descendant_chain .
Later chapters examine the special predicates write and nl , which can be used
to produce output other than just the values of variables. For example, if there is
a clause
write_child(X,Y) :-
write(X), write(' is a child of '), write(Y), nl.
then the query write_child(john_smith,sue_jones) will always succeed and
will also print
john_smith is a child of sue_jones
on one line.
Include this predicate in your program,
and write the clauses
for a predicate write_descendant_chain (
that prints a chain from x to
y when x is a descendant of y but prints nothing when x is not a descen-
dant of y . For example, if John Smith is a descendant of William Brown,
then write_descendant_chain(john_smith,william_brown) should
x , y
sequence of lines something like this:
john_smith is a child of sue_jones
sue_jones is a child of harvey_jones
harvey_jones is a child of davy_jones
davy_jones is a child of anna_brown
anna_brown is a child of william_brown
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