Biomedical Engineering Reference
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9. Iyengar GV, Kollmer WE, Bowen HJM: The Elemental
Composition of Human Tissues and Body Fluids . Verlag-Chemie, New
York, 1978.
A historical source.
10. Isaacson BM, Bloebaum RD: Bone bioelectricity: What have we
learned in the past 160 years? J Biomed Mater Res 95A:1270-1279, 2010.
Discussion of bone piezoelectricity, cellular response to electrical stim-
ulation, and clinical results of electrical stimulation for fracture healing.
11. Kossovsky N, Heggers JP, Robson MC: The bioreactivity of
silicone. CRC Crit Rev Biocompat 3(1):53-85, 1987.
Even supposedly inert silicones produce biologic responses including
delayed hypersensitivity.
12. Luckey TD, Venugopal B: Metal Toxicity in Mammals . Plenum,
New York, 1977.
Compilation of physiological function and toxicity of metals and their
13. Merritt K, Brown SA: Hypersensitivity to metallic biomaterials.
In Williams DF (ed): Systemic Aspects of Biocompatibility . Vol. II. CRC
Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1981.
Review of field, with reference to clinical results. Includes critique of
Fisher's chapter on metal dermatitis (see above).
14. Nelson FRT, Brighton CT, Ryaby J, Simon BJ, Nielson
JH, Lorich DG, Bolander M, Seelig J: Use of physical forces
in bone healing. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 11:344-354, 2003. J Arthroplasty
21:311-323, 2006.
Discussion of practical applications and clinical results for differing
methods of electrical stimulation.
15. Pandit S, Graydon A, Bradley L, Walker C, Pitto R:
Computed tomography assisted osteodensitometry in total hip arthro-
plasty. ANZ J Surg 76:778-781.
16. Salvati EA, Small RD, Brause BD, Pellicci PM: Infections
associated with orthopaedic devices. In Sugarman B, Young EJ (eds):
Infections Associated with Prosthetic Devices . CRC Press, Boca Raton,
FL, 1984.
Brief review of etiology and treatment of implant site infections.
17. Schmidt R, Nowak TE, Mueller L, Pitto R: Osteodensitometry
after total hip replacement with uncemented taper-design stem. Int Ortho
28:74-77, 2004.
18. Tharani R, Dorey FJ, Schmalzried TP: The risk of cancer fol-
lowing total hip or knee arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg 83-A:774-780.
19. Waters TS, Cardona DM, Menon KS, Vinson EN,
Bolognesi MP, Dodd LG: Aseptic lymphocyte-dominated
vasculitis-associated lesion: A clinicopathologic review of an unrecog-
nized cause of prosthetic failure. Am J Clin Pathol 134:886-893, 2010.
Case studies with histopathologic descriptions of ALVAL.
20. Williams DF (ed): Biocompatibility of Orthopaedic Implants . Vol. I
and II. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1982.
Part of a large series of works on “biocompatibility” edited by DF
Williams, these volumes provide information on biologic performance of
manmade biomaterials in orthopaedic applications.
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