Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Chapter 8 is a brief but clear discussion of strengthening mechanisms.
6. Lampman S: Titanium and its alloys for biomedical implants. In Narayan
R (ed): ASM Handbook, Volume 23, Materials for Medical Devices . ASM
International, 2012.
A good synopsis of the properties of many Ti alloys available for medi-
cal device use.
7. Levine BR, Sporer S, Poggie RA, Della Valle CJ, Jacobs
JJ: Experimental and clinical performance of porous tantalum in orthopae-
dic surgery. Biomaterials 27:4671-4681, 2006.
A review of the basic science, mechanical, and biologic properties of
porous tantalum.
8. Luckey HA, Kubli F, Jr (eds): Titanium Alloys in Surgical Implants .
STP 796. American Society for Materials and Testing, Philadelphia, 1982.
Refereed papers drawn from a 1981 conference; includes a good cross
section of discussions of both titanium-base and cobalt-base alloy fabrica-
tion and properties.
9. Moffatt WG, Pearsall GW, Wuiff J: The Structure and
Properties of Materials . Vol. I. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1964.
Chapters 6-8 deal with phase structures in metals and the design and
use of phase diagrams. Easy to follow.
10. Narayan R: Medical applications of stainless steels. In Narayan R
(ed): ASM Handbook, Volume 23, Materials for Medical Devices . ASM
International, 2012.
Physical and mechanical properties of numerous SS alloys, along with a
good discussion of the effect of surface treatments on properties.
11. Nasser S: Tantalum. In Narayan R (ed): ASM Handbook, Volume
23, Materials for Medical Devices . ASM International, 2012.
Properties and applications for tantalum in medical devices.
12. Niinomi M, Nakai M and Hieda J: Development of new metallic
alloys for biomedical applications. Acta Biomaterialia 8(2012):3888-3903.
An overview of recent advanced research in metallic implant materi-
als. Of particular interest for orthopaedic applications are the low-modulus
B alloys, improvements in shape memory alloys, and the emergence of
resorbable magnesium- and iron-based alloys with mechanical properties
that are superior to many resorbable polymers.
13. Oldani C, Dominguez A: Titanium as a biomaterial for implants. In
Fokter S (ed): Recent Advances in Arthroplasty . ISBN: 978-953-307-990-5,
InTech, 2012.
A good review of various titanium alloys for potential use in orthopae-
dic implants.
14. Pilliar R, Ramsay SD: Cobalt-base alloys. In Narayan R (ed): ASM
Handbook, Volume 23, Materials for Medical Devices . ASM International,
Commonly used cobalt alloys, their properties, applications, and
15. Pilliar RM, Weatherly GC: Developments in implant alloys.
CRC Crit Rev Biocompat 1(4):371-403, 1986.
A contemporary review, with an extensive bibliography, emphasizing
the role of details of metallurgical structure in producing properties.
16. Seal CK, Vince K, Hodgson MA: Biodegradable surgical
implants based on magnesium alloys—A review of current research. In
Processing, Microstructure and Performance of Materials, IOP Conf.
Series: Materials Science and Engineering 4, 2009.
A discussion of the potential and challenges of applying Mg-based
materials for biomedical applications.
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