Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Table 6.3
factors in optimizing bC strength
Uncontrollable factors
Gradual 10% loss of strength resulting from postcuring chemical
Environmental temperature
10% weaker at body temperature than at room temperature
Fatigue strength (10 6 cycles) 20%-25% of single-cycle strength
Moisture content
Loss of 3%-10% strength owing to water absorption
Strain rate
Significant increase in strength with increasing strain rate
Partially controllable factors
Cement thickness
Important; “intermediate” BC thicknesses minimize both fatigue
stresses and shrinkage effects
Significant; BCs far stronger in compression than tension
Inclusion of blood or tissue
Considerable effect; up to 70% loss of strength, depending on
Stress risers (bony bed, prosthesis)
Significant; BCs are quite notch sensitive
Fully controllable factors
Antibiotic inclusion
5%-10% loss of strength
Centrifugation/vacuum degassing
10%-25% increase in strength, possible increase in fatigue strength
Delay may produce up to 40% loss of strength, whereas
pressurization increases strength by up to 20% by reduction of
Mixing speed
Up to 21% loss of strength owing to too slow or too rapid mixing
Radiopaque fillers
5% weaker than unfilled
Note: “strength” and “fatigue strength” are in tension; behavior in compression is different and less sensi-
tive to external conditions.
desirability of maximizing strength. The factors that contribute to BC
strength optimization may be grouped into three classes: those beyond
the control of the surgeon, those partially controlled by the surgeon, and
those fully controlled by the surgeon. These are summarized in Table 6.3.
Despite considerable concern over the behavior of BCs in vivo , par-
ticularly in younger, high-demand patients, the clinical results of series
with attention to cementation technique are excellent. The clinical per-
formance of BCs in comparison with other fixation techniques will be
considered in Chapter 13. However, it is safe to say that BCs will con-
tinue in wide and successful clinical use for the foreseeable future.
Just as the use of PMMA BCs has markedly reduced loosening and pain
previously associated with total joint replacements, the introduction of
high-performance polymers to replace metal-metal wear pairs with
metal-polymer ones has led to markedly lower wear, and presumably
has reduced the risk of both local and systemic adverse response to metal
implants involving articulating interfaces.
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