Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
» Greetings Shake hands, make eye contact and say buongiorno (good morning/after-
noon), buonasera (good evening) or piacere (pleased to meet you). If you know someone
well, air-kissing on both cheeks (starting on their left cheek) is standard.
» Polite Language Say mi scusi to attract attention or say 'I'm sorry', grazie (mille) to
say 'thank you (very much)', per favore to say 'please', prego to say 'you're welcome' or
'please, after you' and permesso if you need to push past someone in a crowd.
» Cafes Don't hang around at an espresso bar; drink your coffee and go. It's called es-
presso for a reason.
» Body Language Be wary of making a circle with two hands ('I'll kick your ass'), an A-
OK signal ('You might be gay'), or the devil horns with your hand ('Your wife is cheating
on you').
» In churches Never intrude on a mass or service.
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