Travel Reference
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Expect to pay between €4.50 and €10 for a pizza at this trio of Florentine- recommended addresses:
Gustapizza MAP GOOGLE MAP (Via Maggio 46r; pizza €4.50-8; 11.30am-3pm & 7-11pm Tue-
Sun) This unpretentious pizzeria near Piazza Santa Spirito gives a new meaning to the word 'packed'.
Arrive early to grab a bar stool at a wooden-barrel table and pick from eight pizza types.
Pizzeria del' Osteria del Caffè Italiano MAP GOOGLE MAP ( ; Via
dell'Isola delle Stinche 11-13r; pizza €8; 7.30-11pm) Simplicity is the buzz word at this pocket-
sized pizzeria that makes just three pizza types - margherita, napoli and marinara. No credit cards.
Il Pizzaiuolo MAP GOOGLE MAP ( 055 24 11 71; Via dei Macci 113r; pizzas €5-10, pastas
€6.50-12; lunch & dinner Mon-Sat, closed Aug) Young Florentines flock to The Pizza Maker to
nosh Neapolitan thick-crust pizzas hot from the wood-fired oven. Bookings essential for dinner.
5 Out of Town
When the summer city heat stifles, do what Florentines - get out of town for an al fresco
lunch between flowers or riverside at these recommended addresses.
( 055 67 73 77; ; Lungarno Colombo 7; meals €30; lunch & dinner Mon-Sat)
'Friendly food' is the strapline of this sleek address, a modern bistrot Fiorentino
(Florentine bistro) bursting with green foliage on the banks of the Arno just over 1km east
of Ponte San Niccolò. Dining is around Parisian-style wooden bistro tables - in or out on
wooden decked verandah - and the wine list is superb. Advance reservations essential.
Trattoria le Cave di Maiano
( 055 5 91 33; ; Via Cave di Maiano 16, Maiano; meals €35; lunch &
dinner, closed Mon winter) Florentines flock to this restaurant in Maiano, a village 8km north
of Florence near Fiesole, at weekends to indulge in long leisurely lunches on its outdoor
terrace. Huge servings are the rule of thumb, everything is homemade, and the rustic in-
clination of the chef is reflected in the abundance of rabbit, boar and suckling pig dishes -
all of which go wonderfully well with the quaffable house wine.
Trattoria Bibe
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