Environmental Engineering Reference
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The critical review, questions, corrections, and comments from the following individuals are greatly
appreciated and have substantially improved this chapter: Tracy Hemmeter, Santa Clara Valley
Water District, San Jose, California; Julie Stickney, Syracuse Research Corporation, Portland,
Maine; Rula Deeb, Malcolm Pirnie, Emeryville, California; Dani Renan, Attorney and Hydrogeologist,
Concord, California; Murray Einarson, AMEC Geomatrix, Oakland, California; and William
DiGiuseppi, AECOM Environment, Englewood, Colorado. The opinions provided in this chapter
are the author's alone and do not necessarily rel ect the views of the reviewers or their employers.
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California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA), 2005, Draft Public Health Goal for cis- and trans-1,
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Chiang, D., Zhang, Y., Glover, E., Harrigan, J., and Woodward, D., 2006, 1,4-Dioxane solute transport model-
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Health Perspectives 111(5): 757-774.
Davis, D., 2007, Off-target in the war on cancer . Washington Post , November 4, 2007, Section B01. (See also
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Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC), 1996a, 1,4-Dioxane. Memorandum from Barbara Coler,
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Department of Toxic Substances and Control (DTSC), 1996b, 1,4-Dioxane. Memorandum from Stephen M.
DiZio, Senior Toxicologist, Ofi ce of Scientii c Affairs to Barbara Coler, Chief, Statewide Cleanup
Operations Division, July 5, 1996. California Department of Toxic Substances and Control.
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