Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Abbreviations of Common Toxicity Thresholds for Aquatic Organisms
EC 0
Concentration causing an effect in 0% of the test organisms
EC 50
Median concentration causing an effect in 50% of the test organisms
LC 50
Median concentration lethal to 50% of the test organisms
LC 100
Concentration lethal to 100% of the test organisms
LD 50
Median lethal dose for 50% of the test population
Lowest observed effect concentration
No observed effect concentration
Lowest observed effect level
No observed effect level
Predicted no effect concentration
Toxicity reference value
concentrations ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of milligrams per liter (parts per mil-
lion). 1,4-Dioxane is not bioconcentrated in aquatic organisms, animals, or plants; however, it may
accumulate in plants by transpiration (ATSDR, 2004). The European Chemicals Bureau Predicted
No Effect Concentration for aquatic organisms is set at 2700 mg/L (ECB, 2002). There are a variety
of toxicity thresholds used to describe toxic effects of contaminants measured by different tests,
with some expressed as aqueous or mass concentration and others expressed in terms of the dose per
day as a ratio to the body weight of the organism (toxic threshold given in mg/[kg d]). Table 6.4 lists
the aquatic toxicity thresholds discussed in this chapter.
Toxicity reference values (TRVs) provide a benchmark for the toxicity of a contaminant to all the
ecological receptors in an ecosystem, such as freshwater, marine, or sediment ecosystems. TRVs
have not been developed for soil invertebrates and terrestrial plants as toxicity data are not available
(USEPA, 1999). Table 6.5 summarizes the TRVs derived by USEPA for 1,4-dioxane. Similarly,
predicted no effects concentrations (PNEC) are used in Europe to establish the concentration at
which organisms of an ecological compartment are not affected by a contaminant. Table 6.6 pres-
ents PNEC values for the toxicity of 1,4-dioxane to different indicator species.
1,4-Dioxane toxicity data are available for algae, bacteria and protozoa, aquatic invertebrates,
and i sh, as presented in Tables 6.7 through 6.10 . Aquatic toxicity data tabulated here were obtained
primarily from secondary sources (BUA, 1991; NICNAS, 1998; Verschueren, 2001; ECB, 2002;
ATSDR, 2004). Citations of original studies are provided for the reader's convenience but were not
researched for this topic.
Aquatic TRVs for 1,4-Dioxane
TRV [mg/(kg d)]
Indicator Species
Daphnia magna (water l ea)
Bringmann and Kühn (1982)
Freshwater bed sediment
Calculated from freshwater TRV a
USEPA (1999)
Marine-Estuarine surface water
Menidia beryllina (inland silverside)
Dawson and Jennings (1977)
Marine bed sediment
Calculated from marine TRV a
USEPA (1999)
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 1999, Screening level ecological risk assessment protocol. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Ofi ce of Solid Waste.
Notes: Sediment TRVs calculated by using equilibrium partitioning assumptions, an assumed fraction of organic carbon in
sediment of 4%, and a K oc of 0.876 for 1,4-dioxane (USEPA, 1999).
a TRV sed = K oc × f oc × TRV sw .
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