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V are said to be d-connected given W . This implies that the sets can exchange
As the graphical part of a Bayesian network is meant to offer an explicit
representation of independence information in the associated joint probability
distribution P , we need to establish a relationship between
P .Thisis
done as follows. We say that G is an I-map of P if any independence represented
in G by means of d-separation is satisfied by P , i.e.,
G and
X W ,
where U , Z and W are sets of nodes of the ADG G and X U , X V and X W are
the sets of random variables corresponding to the sets of nodes U , V and W ,
respectively. This definition implies that the graph G is allowed to represent
more dependence information than the probability distribution P , but never
more independence information.
A Bayesian network is a I-map model whose nodes represent random vari-
ables, and where missing arcs encode conditional independencies between the
variables. In short, it allows a compact representation of independence infor-
mation about the joint probability distribution P in terms of local conditional
probability distributions ( CPDs ), or, in the discrete case, in terms of conditional
probability tables ( CPTs ), associated to each random variable. This table de-
scribes the conditional distribution of the node given each possible combination
of values of its parents. The joint probability can be computed by simply multi-
plying the CPTs.
In a BN model the local Markov property holds, i.e., each variable is condi-
tionally independent of its non-descendants given its parents:
X v
X V \de ( v ) |
X pa ( v )
for all v
where de ( v ) is the set of descendants of v . The joint probability distribution
defined by a Bayesian network is given by
P ( X V )=
v∈ V
P ( x v
X pa ( v ) )
where X V denote the set of random variables in the given model, x v is a variable
in such set and X pa ( v ) represents the parent nodes of the variable x v .BNisa
Bayesian network model with respect to G if its joint probability density function
can be written as a product of the individual density functions, conditional on
their parents.
Bayesian networks are commonly used in the representation of causal rela-
tionships. However, this does not have to be the case: an arc from node u to
node z does not require variable x z to be causally dependent on x u .Infact,
considering its graphical representation, it is the case that in a BN,
are equivalent, i.e., the same conditional independence constraints are enforced
by those graphs.
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