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However, there are six exceptional cases, namely active patients starting early and
their conditions worsened. These exceptions belong to the case base; the explanations
of them are high PTH or high phosphorus level.
2.4 Example
The following example demonstrates how ISOR attempts to find explanations for
exceptional cases. Because of data protection no real patient can be used. It is an arti-
ficial case but nevertheless is a typical situation.
Query patient: a 34-year old woman started with fitness after five months of dialysis.
Two factors worsened, namely Oxygen pulse and Oxygen uptake, and consequently
the condition of the patient was assessed as worsened too.
Problem: Why the patient's condition deteriorated after six months of physical
Retrieval: The number of worsened factors is used as an additional keyword in order
to retrieve all cases with at least two worsened factors.
Case base: It does not only contain cases but more importantly a list of general solu-
tions. For each of the general solutions there exists a list that contains specific solu-
tions based on the cases in the case base. The list of general solutions contains these
five items (figure 2):
Concentration of Parathyroid Hormone (PTH),
Period of dialysis is too long,
An additional disease,
A patient was not very active during the fitness program, and
A patient is very old.
Fig. 2. Dialog menu to search for general solutions
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