Information Technology Reference
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of the routes with regard to defined properties is carried as described in Reichle
et. al. [19].
docQuery will initially consist of the several heterogeneous knowledge sources
and each type of knowledge source will cover on specific topic. Each knowledge
source is accessible by the application and will be used to process the requests
given by the user. Furthermore the knowledge sources will be able to be extended
by more knowledge bases in future as well as maintenance processes can be
defined for each knowledge base.
Region: For any country specific information consisting of “Before the journey”,
“During the journey” and “After the journey” will be provided. The country
information includes required vaccinations and guides for a healthy journey.
Further on this case base contains information on how to behave in various
situations, which are explained to the users if necessary.
Disease: This knowledge base holds more than 100 diseases considered in travel
medicine. They are described in detail and linked to medicaments, region, etc.
It focuses on diseases that might affect a traveler on a journey, for instance
Malaria, Avian Influenza, or Dengue. A disease in this case base is characterized
by general information on the disease, how to avoid the disease, how to behave
if one has had the disease before, and how to protect oneself.
Medicament: Details about medicaments and its area of application (diseases,
vaccinations, age, etc.) used in the system are contained in this knowledge base.
Basically it contains information about active pharmaceutical ingredients, effec-
tiveness, therapeutic field, contraindication and interdependences.
Dates/Seasons: For each country we will cover dates and seasons. This infor-
mation is used to assign the season to a request and subsequently only retrieve
information that is necessary.
Vaccinations: If there are vaccinations recommended this database contains
vaccination periods and types of vaccines. Further on it lists contraindications
of each vaccination and experiences of users with the vaccinations in similar
Activity: This case base will contain safety advice for intended activities when
planning a journey. For travelers, activities are the major part of their journey,
but they may involve certain risks for which safety advice is needed and further-
more when asked for their plans travelers will usually describe their activities
which we can use to provide better guidance. Examples of such activities are
diving, hill-climbing or even swimming.
Health Risk: This knowledge base contains information about health risks that
might occur at a certain place under certain previously defined circumstances
including medical details on prevention, symptoms and consequences. Further
on it contains safety advice and the type of person who might be affected.
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