Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Following the definition and motivation of travel medicine as an application
domain, we will introduce a novel approach to CBR using a number of het-
erogeneous case bases of which each one will cover one individual field within
the general application domain. Each case base provides information that is re-
quired to compute a travel medical information leaflet and we will describe how
we manage the case bases and use them to compose such information leaflets
with regard to given constraints.
Moreover we will point out how we keep our case bases up-to-date using a
web-based community as source of information. We will further describe the
technologies we use to extract information, knowledge and experiences from the
community, formalize them and use a Case Factory for its maintenance. Addi-
tionally we describe how and in which way techniques from Machine Learning
and Information Extraction can be applied to extend a case base. The chapter
will close up with a discussion of related topics followed by a short summary and
future developments in this area.
2 Requirements of Travel Medicine as an Application
Today the World Wide Web is a widely accepted platform for communication
and the exchange of information. It does not matter where people live, to which
culture they belong or of which background they are - web communities can
be used from anywhere and by anyone. Especially in discussion forums a lot of
topics are reviewed and experiences are shared. Unfortunately, much information
gets lost in discussion boards or web pages caused by the quantity and variety
of different web communities. Hence it is hard to find detailed information, since
the topic of a discussion is often not clear and a wide range of expressions are
used. Furthermore the users do not know enough about the authors and their
background to ensure a high quality of information.
2.1 Motivation
Nowadays it is easier than ever to travel to different places, experience new
cultures and get to know new people. In preparation for a healthy journey it is
important to get a high quality and reliable answer on travel medicine issues.
Both layman and experts should get information they need and, in particular,
they understand. For that reason the idea of docQuery - a medical information
system for travelers - has been developed.
docQuery provides information for travelers and physicians (those who are
no experts in the field of travel medicine) by travel medicine experts and also
gives an opportunity to share information and ensures a high quality because it
is maintained by experts. Furthermore it will rise to the challenge of advancing
the community alongside their users. User can obtain detailed information for
their journey by providing the key data on their journey (like travel period,
destination, age(s) of traveler(s), activities, etc.) and the docQuery system will
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