Information Technology Reference
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Ta b l e 1 . Environment Agent
Environment Agent
Sensing Environmental Set
Sensors connection
Sensors Server
Acting environmental set
Check readings
Check sensor readings
Add capabilities
Add capability
Alarm status
Remove Capability
Remove Capability
Add sensor Add sensor
Remove Sensor Remove Sensor
Add interaction capability Add interaction capability
Monitor Status
Sensors connection
Technical Alarm protocol
- Deploy a base to perform user activity tracking, in order to being able to record or
recall user activities of daily living for adaptation and personalization.
Though some of the data presented by the environmental sensors is stored into the
general database, the extraction and inference of information from the data provided by
these environmental sensors is performed by the ea , which delivers it to the other Agents
in the system when required. This information is also used for internal services of the
ea , for instance detecting emergencies like a fire and starting up the security protocols
defined. The ea also is capable of self-managing the infraestructure, detecting which
components stop working and sending a technical alarm message to the administrators
in charge, informing about the problem and the conflicting component.
The Patient Agent ( pa ) encases most of the cognitive support services oriented to the
user. The GUI provides a window to access these services and exchange information
with the pa .The pa cogntive services try to support memory and disorientation taking
as starting point the user disability profile tailored for the MAS. In order to do that, not
only a complex profiling work has to be done with each user, but also use the profile
information to define which services to launch, and how to tune them to adapt to the
user in terms of support offered. Moreover, the user's profile can change with time, and
the services should adapt to those changes and even add new services to the pack in
case the user needs them with his/her new state.
The pa is highly tied to the ea in order to perform activity tracking, follow the user's
daily routine using the AmI sensors ( i.e . presence sensors, detecting when the user ac-
cess the fridge or the kitchenette, goes to the bathroom in the morning after getting
up, etc). This activity tracking is used to enrich the Reminder service, that sends mem-
ory cues to the user in order to remind him of key activities that he has to perform
along the day like taking the medication, preparing the food or going to the doctor to a
programmed visit. This service distinguishes between mandatory activities like taking
medication from others like attending an appointment with a friend. Mandatory activ-
ities are reminded a few times until a confirmation from the user is given, if that is
not the case a SMS message is sent to the agreed caregiver to warn him about the
situation. The Reminder service is feed by the Agenda service, that retrieves the pro-
grammed agenda from the Home Agent and shows it to the user. The representation of
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