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of individuals with CVD in some visualization tasks, besides increasing their confi-
dence in making color-based choices. We have also noticed that the use of patterns
can help normal trichromats to fine tune color-related decisions. The use of patterns
is, however, just one option in wide space of possibilities, and many creative solutions
are waiting to be discovered.
2.3 Conclusion
Color-vision-deficient individuals routinely experience uncertainty visualizations,
both in their private lives and professional activities. This article discussed the causes
of such perceptual limitations, and briefly described the tools and techniques cur-
rently available that try to address this issue. Most of the illustrations and discussions
focused on the case of dichromats, since, in general, they face stronger restrictions
than anomalous trichromats. After analyzing the limitations of the existing tech-
niques, the article presented a list of open questions that need to be considered in
our quest for more inclusive visualizations. By understanding how to effectively
deal with the restrictions faced by individuals with CVD, we should also be able to
produce richer visualizations experiences for normal trichromats.
Acknowledgments This work was sponsored by CNPq-Brazil (Processo No. 308936/2010-8).
Figure 2.1 (left) was kindly provided by Francisco Pinto.
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