Image Processing Reference
In-Depth Information
Computational Fluid Dynamics—Understanding computational fluid dynamics
will allow us to understand and design a broad spectrum of applications: design
more aerodynamic (and hence fuel-efficient) cars and planes, design better artifi-
cial hearts, perform better cardiovascular surgery, design better air conditioners,
fans, and heat exchangers, better short-termweather prediction (including accurate
precipitation forecasts and models), and understand the dynamics of global warm-
ing in the long term, improve our understanding of the dynamics of the oceans,
and allow us to predict solar storms that affect radio communication, design better
hydroelectric generators, design more efficient HVAC systems in buildings, design
more efficient wind farms for the generation of electricity, improve the design of
ship hulls, help us understand the mechanism of flight in birds and insects, and
help us understand the locomotion of aquatic animals, including microorganisms.
Preserving Coastal Margins—We have to preserve coastal margins so that our
great-grand children will have access to a functioning environment that supports
economic development and quality of life. By understanding cause-effect rela-
tionships between climate, human activity and coastal margins well enough to
predict and communicate ecosystem evolution, we can effectively influence soci-
ety's choice on affecting ecosystems health and sustainability.
Virtual Paleoworld—We can reconstruct climate in the broadest sense for any time
in the Earth's past and see what it looks like globally. This will allow us to see Tec-
tonic plates in their proper shapes and positions and all data sites marked. We can
see topography, heat flow, atmospheric composition, wind belts, biomes on land,
and ocean currents as they existed then and with explicit depiction of differences
from today and from individual data sites with accompanying uncertainties (e.g.,
model-data comparison).
Understanding the Origin of Our Universe—Gravitational waves can probe to
10 43 seconds after the big bang. They carry key information of what happened just
after it all began. Deciphering their content and comparing themwith cosmological
models will enable us to hone in on the model that captures reality. This will
additionally have implications for a unified theory of physics, understanding dark
matter and energy and why regular matter (like the one humans and stars are made
of) only comprises about 3 % of the total.
Understanding the 'Cradle of Life'—Supernovae are responsible for producing
the needed energy that turns heavier elements (e.g., iron) of a soon to explode star
into lighter elements that are the building blocks for life (hydrogen, oxygen, etc).
Understanding such systems require complex simulations at the peta-(and beyond)
scales and their solution have commonalities with other spectacular phenomena
like gamma ray bursts. Obtaining the correct model to explain supernovae events
will go a long way towards understanding what is required for the basic build-
ing blocks of life to be produced and explain the most spectacular astrophysical
Origin and Evolution of Languages—The origin and evolution of languages is a
result of interactions with culture. We need to better understand how languages
reflect the history of cultures, and how genetics/genomics data sets can be used to
study unrecorded historical data concerning the migration of humans.
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