Image Processing Reference
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Chapter 26
Large-Scale Integration-Based Vector Field
Christoph Garth and Kelly Gaither
Abstract In this chapter, we provide a brief overview of the visualization of large
vector fields on parallel architectures using integration-based methods. After briefly
providing background, we describe the state of the art in corresponding research,
focusing on parallel integral curve computation strategies. We analyze the rela-
tive benefits of two fundamental schemes and discuss algorithmic improvements
presented recently. To conclude, we point out open problems and future research
26.1 Introduction
Simulations on the current generation of supercomputers are producing data sets of
unprecedented scale. To achieve the fundamental goal of scientific insight from the
resulting very large datasets, a variety of problems must be addressed pertaining to
their storage and handling. For simulations that involve vector fields, integral curves,
or streamlines are one of the most illuminating techniques to obtain insight; they
are a cornerstone of visualization and analysis across a great variety of application
domains. Drawing on an intuitive interpretation in terms of particle movement, they
are an ideal tool to illustrate and describe a wide range of phenomena encountered in
the study of application-domain vector fields, such as transport and mixing in fluid
flows. However, calculating integral curves in large data presents a significant chal-
lenge because their calculation is non-local and data dependent. Thus, leveraging
parallel computational resources to achieve scalable and well-performing visualiza-
tion in this setting requires optimal parallelization strategies that adapt smartly to the
widely varying characteristics of integral curve problems.
( B )
University of Kaiserslautern, Postfach 3049, 67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany
K. Gaither
University of Texas at Austin, 10100 Burnet Road, R87000, Austin, TX 78758, USA
C. Garth
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