Image Processing Reference
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24. Stam, J.: Flows on surfaces of arbitrary topology. ACM Trans. Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2003)
22 (3), 724-731 (2003)
25. Tong, Y., Lombeyda, S., Hirani, A.N., Desbrun, M.: Discrete multiscale vector field decompo-
sition. ACM Trans. Graph. 22 (3), 445-452 (2003)
26. Wang, W., Bruyere, C., Kuo, B.: Competition data set and description in 2004 IEEE visualiza-
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27. Xu, L., Dinh, H.Q., Zhang, E., Lin, Z., Laramee, R.S. A distribution-based approach to tracking
points in velocity vector fields. IEEE Conf. Comput. Vis. Pattern. Recogn
28. Zhang, E., Yeh, H., Lin, Z., Laramee, R.S.: Asymmetric tensor analysis for flow visualization.
IEEE Trans. Visual. Comput. Graphics 15 (1), 106-122 (2009)
29. Zheng, X., Pang, A.: 2D asymmetric tensor analysis. In: IEEE Proceedings on Visualization,
pp. 3-10 (2005)
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