Image Processing Reference
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Fig. 14.14 Higher-order tensors have been used to present N-way rotational symmetries (N-
RoSy [ 16 ]), with applications in pen-and-ink sketching ( a ), regular pattern synthesis ( b ), archi-
tectural modeling ( c ), and geometry remeshing ( d ). Image ( a )and( c ) are courtesy of [ 17 ]. © IEEE
Reprinted, with permission, from IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17(7)
classification with a bunny surface. have applied this to the curvature tensor to extract
surface features for remeshing purposes. Figure 14.13 illustrates this classification
with a bunny surface.
14.4.3 Higher Order Tensor Fields
The decomposition of the asymmetric tensor field is intrinsically linked to the Hodge-
Helmholtz decomposition. D , R , and S from Eq. 14.2 correspond to the curl-free,
divergence-free, and harmonic component in the Hodge-Helmholtz decomposition
(Fig. 14.14 ).
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