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final tractography result are still missing. One challenge faced by visualization sys-
tems that aim to aid understanding of these uncertainties is to display this additional
information efficiently and effectively, without causing visual clutter.
Ultimately, uncertainty visualization should contribute to making fiber tracking
a more reliable tool for neuroscience research, and to conveying the information
needed for the decision making process in clinical practice.
1. Alexander, D.C., Barker, G.J., Arridge, S.R.: Detection and modeling of non-gaussian apparent
diffusion coefficient profiles in human brain data. Magn. Reson. Med. 48 , 331-340 (2002)
2. Behrens, T.E.J., Johansen-Berg, H., Jbabdi, S., Rushworth, M.F.S., Woolrich, M.W.: Proba-
bilistic diffusion tractography with multiple fibre orientations: what can we gain? NeuroImage
34 , 144-155 (2007)
3. Behrens, T.E.J., Woolrich, M.W., Jenkinson, M., Johansen-Berg, H., Nunes, R.G., Clare, S.,
Matthews, P.M., Brady, J.M., Smith, S.M.: Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in
diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Magn. Reson. Med. 50 , 1077-1088 (2003)
4. Björnemo, M., Brun, A., Kikinis, R., Westin, C.F.: Regularized stochastic white matter trac-
tography using diffusion tensor MRI. In: Dohi, T., Kikinis, R. (eds.) Proceedings of Medical
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Science, vol. 2488, pp. 435-442. Springer, Berlin (2002)
5. Blaas, J., Botha, C.P., Peters, B., Vos, F.M., Post, F.H.: Fast and reproducible fiber bundle
selection in DTI visualization. In: Silva, C., Gröller, E., Rushmeier, H. (eds) Proceedings of
IEEE Visualization, pp. 59-64 (2005)
6. Brecheisen, R., Platel, B., ter Haar Romenij, B.M., Vilanova, A.: Illustrative uncertainty visu-
alization for DTI fiber pathways. In: Poster Proceedings of EuroVis (2011)
7. Brecheisen, R., Vilanova, A., Platel, B., ter Haar Romenij, B.M.: Parameter sensitivity visual-
ization for DTI fiber tracking. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 15 (6), 1441-1448 (2009)
8. Bretthorst, G.L., Kroenke, C.D., Neil, J.J.: Characterizingwater diffusion in fixed baboon brain.
In Fischer, R., Preuss, R., von Toussaint, U. (eds.) Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy
Methods in Science and Engineering, pp. 3-15 (2004)
9. Bürgel, U., Mädler, B., Honey, C.R., Thron, A., Gilsbach, J., Coenen, V.A.: Fiber tracking with
distinct software tools results in a clear diversity in anatomical fiber tract portrayal. Cen. Eur.
Neurosurg. 70 (1), 27-35 (2009)
10. Calamante, F., Tournier, J.D., Jackson, G.D., Connelly, A.: Track-density imaging (TDI): super-
resolution white matter imaging using whole-brain track-density mapping. NeuroImage 53 (4),
1233-1243 (2010)
11. Catani, M., Howard, R.J., Pajevic, S., Jones, D.K.: Virtual in vivo interactive dissection of
white matter fasciculi in the human brain. NeuroImage 17 , 77-94 (2002)
12. Chung, S., Ying, L.: Comparison of bootstrap approaches for estimation of uncertainties of
DTI parameters. NeuroImage 33 (2), 531-541 (2006)
13. Ciccarelli, O., Parker, G.J.M., Toosy, A.T., Wheeler-Kingshott, C.A.M., Barker, G.J., Boulby,
P.A., Miller, D.H., Thompson, A.J.: From diffusion tractography to quantitative white matter
tract measures: a reproducibility study. NeuroImage 18 , 348-359 (2003)
14. Ding, Z., Gore, J.C., Anderson, A.W.: Classification and quantification of neuronal fiber path-
ways using diffusion tensor MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 49 , 716-721 (2003)
15. Ehricke, H.-H., Klose, U., Grodd, W.: Visualizing MR diffusion tensor fields by dynamic fiber
tracking and uncertainty mapping. Comput. Graph. 30 , 255-264 (2006)
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