Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
W H E R E T H E Y' R E G ROW N: Like English peas and favas, neither is grown
widely enough to be tracked statistically. They are also imported from Mexico, the Carib-
bean and Central America.
H O W T O C H O O S E: Pods should be firm and crisp. Reject any that show
signs of wilting. Sugar snap pea pods may show traces of scarring, which does not affect
the flavor.
HOW TO STORE: Store as briefly as possible, tightly wrapped and refrigerated at
the coldest level (in the crisper drawer).
H O W T O P R E PAR E: Sugar snap peas and snow peas still have tough fibrous
strings that run the length of the pods and must be removed before cooking. Check care-
fully: some varieties have strings on both sides of the pods.
ONE SIMPLE DISH: The less you cook a snow pea or sugar snap, the better off
you'll be. Anything more than a lightningquick blanching or stir-frying destroys the crisp
texture and bright flavor, which are their most delicious qualities.
Sugar Snap Pea Soup with Parmesan Cream
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