Agriculture Reference
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melts.) Arrange one fourth to one third of the onion over the cheese. Cover with anoth-
er slice of bread and press together firmly. Repeat with the remaining bread, cheese and
Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a large skillet over medium-low heat. Fry 1 sandwich at a time,
gently but firmly pressing down with a spatula or heavy pan. Cook until well browned,
about 6 minutes on the first side, about 4 on the second. Repeat with the remaining sand-
wiches, adding more butter as necessary.
Neatly trim the edges of the cooked sandwiches with a serrated knife, then cut each sand-
wich into crosswise strips about 3/a inch thick. Serve hot.
Sweet Onion, Avocado and Shrimp Salad
Sweet onions have become a bit of a cliche, but they certainly have their charms
when used right. This is one dish where they work well. By giving the onions a
quick soak but otherwise not cooking them, you moderate their already mild bite
while still preserving every bit of their crispness.
Cut the onion lengthwise into quarters, then cut each quarter lengthwise into halves or
thirds. Cut each of these sections in half crosswise. Place the onion pieces in a bowl of
cold water to soak for at least 10 minutes.
Cut the avocados in half, remove the pits and with a spoon scoop out the flesh in one
piece. Cut the flesh into pieces roughly the same size as the onions.
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