Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
H O W T O S T 0 R E: Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.
HOW TO PREPARE: Beets will bleed pigment all over everything. Don't peel
them until after they've been cooked; they will keep their color better. Also, leave about
an inch of tops on and don't break off the bottom root for the same reason.
ONE SIMPLE DISH : Wrap beets in aluminum foil and roast at 400 degrees until
they are soft enough to be pierced with a knife, about 1 hour. Peel them, quarter them and
dress them with olive oil and red wine vinegar. Season with salt to taste and finish with a
generous grinding of pepper.
Carrots and Parsnips
WHERE THEY'RE GROWN: California grows more than two thirds of the carrots
that are harvested in the United States. California also leads in parsnip production.
HOW T O CHOOSE: Carrots and parsnips with the tops on are great because
you can tell from the greens how recently they were harvested. But sometimes very fresh
vegetables are sold without the tops. The best trick is to pay attention to the intensity of
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