Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
ONE SIMPLE DISH: Blanch broccoli heads until they are just tender, then chill
them. Just before serving, make a vinaigrette with olive oil, fresh lemon juice and a little
minced garlic. Toss the broccoli heads in the vinaigrette and season with salt to taste. If
you want a little fancier presentation, you can arrange the heads flower side down in a
bowl and then invert it onto a serving plate.
WHERE IT'S GROWN : Almost all of the cauliflower grown in the United States
comes from California, at the same times and from the same places as broccoli.
HOW TO CHOOSE: Cauliflower heads should be a pale creamy color. This is
achieved by wrapping the heads with the leaves. Some varieties do this naturally; in others
the leaves have to be tied in place by growers. Cauliflower heads that have not been care-
fully tended will show "sunburned" dark spots. If there are only a few, this is cosmetic.
But if they cover a larger area, it can be an opening for decay. Reject any heads that show
signs of physical damage, as cauliflower spoils quickly.
H O W T O S T 0 R E: Like broccoli, cauliflower is extremely perishable. Keep
it tightly wrapped in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Try to use it the same day you
buy it.
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