Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Texas, and spring watermelons come from Florida and Texas. In the summer California's
Central Valley harvest kicks into high gear. Mendota, a small town on the valley's western
slope, bills itself as the Cantaloupe Center of the World. California produces more than
three quarters of the nation's summer cantaloupes and all but a smattering of its honey-
dews. Georgia and Texas are the dominant states for summer watermelons, with Califor-
nia and South Carolina also contributing important amounts.
H O W T O C H O O S E: Good cantaloupes are deeply scaled or netted and have
a golden background color, clean separation from the stem and a deep floral fragrance.
Good honeydews have a creamy color and a waxy texture to the skin. Good watermelons
have a waxy skin and sound hollow when thumped lightly.
H O W T O S T O R E: Store all melons at room temperature. Cantaloupes and
honeydews continue to ripen after being picked. This ripening makes them more fragrant
and complex, but it doesn't make them any sweeter. If you prefer your melons chilled, put
them in the refrigerator overnight. Much longer than that, and you'll see the rinds begin to
pit and decay.
HOW TO PREPARE: Split cantaloupe and honeydew melons in half and spoon out
the seeds. Watermelons need only be cut into sections.
ONE SIMPLE DISH : Melons are sweet, but they are surprisingly good when
paired with salty or peppery companions. Wrap chunks of honeydew or cantaloupe in
prosciutto or other thinly sliced cured meat.
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