Database Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
Let's look at the clauses individually. The SELECT list specifies which columns you want to use.
select AddressID, AddressLine1, City
The FROM clause specifies that you want to use the Address table.
from Person.Address
The WHERE clause specifies that you want all the records for Redmond.
where City = 'Redmond'
The ORDER BY clause specifies the order in which the rows are sorted. The rows will be sorted by
AddressID in ascending order.
order by AddressID asc
The GROUP BY clause is used to organize output rows into groups. The SELECT list can include aggregate
functions and produce summary values for each group. Often you'll want to generate reports from the
database with summary figures for a particular column or set of columns. For example, you may want to
find out the total quantity of addresses that belong to a particular city from the Person.Address table.
Try It: Using the GROUP BY Clause
The Person.Address table contains the address details. You want to know the total of how many
addresses belong to a particular city. For example, if you look at the query and number of records in
Figure 5-6, you will notice that there are a total of 121 address entries for Redmond.
Open a New Query window in SQL Server Management Studio Express. Enter the following query,
and click Execute. You should see the results shown in Figure 5-7.
Select City, Count(City) As 'Total Count'
from Person.Address
Group By City
Order By City Asc
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