Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 4-4. SELECT statement showing all the inserted rows with autogenerated ID value
Updating Data
You can modify data with the UPDATE statement. When coding UPDATE statements, you must be careful to
include a WHERE clause, or you'll update all the rows in a table. So, always code an appropriate WHERE
clause; if you miss a WHERE clause, as shown in the following UPDATE statement, then you will change all
the records of the table, and I am sure no business case requires that!
UPDATE <table>
SET <columnl> = <valuel>, <column2> = <value2>, ..., <columnN> = <valueN>
Now that you're aware of the implications of the UPDATE statement, let's take a good look at it. In
essence, it's a simple statement that allows you to update values in one or more rows and columns.
UPDATE <table>
SET <columnl> = <valuel>, <column2> = <value2>, ..., <columnN> = <valueN>
WHERE <predicate>
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