Database Reference
In-Depth Information
After inserting the row, type the following query in the query pane:
Select * from MySqlTable
Select the statement, and click Execute or press F5; you'll see that the new rows have been added, as
shown in Figure 4-2.
Figure 4-2. The MySqlTable after adding rows
Be careful to insert data of the correct data type. In this example, you have seen columns of the
character, int, and datetime types.
Inserting Multiple Rows Through a Single INSERT Statement
Typically a single INSERT statement added one row to the table, but since SQL Server 2008, an INSERT
statement is capable of adding multiple rows via a single INSERT statement. You just need to separate
each row of data with a comma, as shown in the following statement, and then click Execute or press F5.
Insert into MySqlTable (Name,Age,SSN,Date,Gender)
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