Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 20-6. Showing Visual Studio after adding the SQL CLR C# stored procedure
5. Replace the code in the StoredProcedure class with the code in Listing 20-1.
Listing 20-1. SQLCLRStoredProcedure.cs
public static void InsertCurrency_CS(SqlString currencyCode, SqlString currencyName)
SqlConnection conn = null;
conn = new SqlConnection(@"server = .\sql2012;integrated security = true;
database = AdventureWorks");
SqlCommand cmdInsertCurrency = new SqlCommand();
cmdInsertCurrency.Connection = conn;
SqlParameter parmCurrencyCode = new SqlParameter
("@CCode", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3);
SqlParameter parmCurrencyName = new SqlParameter
("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50);
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