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Set the Name property to txtLinqToXml.
Set the Multiline property to True.
Set the ScrollBars property to Vertical.
For the Size property, set Width to 340 and Height to 298.
4. Now your LinqToXml form in the Design view should look like Figure 18-9.
Figure 18-9. The Design view of the LinqToXml form
5. Open the newly added form LinqToXml.cs in code view. Add the code shown in
Listing 18-3 in LinqToXml.cs .
Listing 18-3. LinqToXml.cs
using System.Xml.Linq;
//Load the productstable.xml in memory
XElement doc = XElement.Load(@"C:\VidyaVrat\C#2012 and SQL
//Query xml doc
var products = from prodname in doc.Descendants("products")
select prodname.Value;
//Display details
foreach (var prodname in products)
txtLinqToXml.AppendText("Product's Detail= ");
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