Database Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
The GetName method gets a column name by its index. This method returns information about the result
set, so it can be called before the first call to Read() .
// Get column names
lbltype1.Text = rdr.GetName(0);
lblType2.Text = rdr.GetName(1);
The GetDataTypeName method returns the database data type of a column. It too can be called before
the first call to Read() .
//Get column data types
lbltype1.Text += "\n"+ rdr.GetDataTypeName(0).ToString();
lblType2.Text += "\n"+ rdr.GetDataTypeName(1).ToString();
The FieldCount property of the data reader contains the number of columns in the result set. This is
useful for looping through columns without knowing their names or other attributes.
// Get number of columns
lblType3.Text = "Number of columns in a row::" + rdr.FieldCount.ToString();
Finally, you see how the GetOrdinal and GetFieldType methods are used. The former returns a
column index based on its name; the latter returns the C# type. These are the countertypes of GetName()
and GetDataTypeName() , respectively.
// Get info about each column
lblType4.Text = rdr.GetName(0).ToString() + " is at index::" +
rdr.GetOrdinal("FirstName").ToString() +
" and its type is::" + rdr.GetFieldType(0).ToString();
lblType5.Text = rdr.GetName(1).ToString() + " is at index:: "+
rdr.GetOrdinal("LastName").ToString() +
" and its type is::" + rdr.GetFieldType(1).ToString();
So much for obtaining information about result sets. You'll now learn how to get information about
Getting Data About Tables
The term schema has several meanings in regard to relational databases. Here, we use it to refer to the
design of a data structure, particularly a database table. A table consists of rows and columns, and each
column can have a different data type. The columns and their attributes (data type, length, and so on)
make up the table's schema.
To retrieve schema information easily, you can call the GetSchemaTable method on a data reader. As
the name suggests, this method returns a System.Data.DataTable object, which is a representation
(schema) of the table queried and contains a collection of rows and columns in the form of DataRow and
DataColumn objects. These rows and columns are returned as collection objects by the properties Rows
and Columns of the DataTable class.
However, here's where a slight confusion usually occurs. Data column objects aren't column values;
rather, they are column definitions that represent and control the behavior of individual columns. They
can be looped through by using a column name indexer, and they can tell you a lot about the data set.
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