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3. Drag a GroupBox control to the form and position it toward the left side of the
form. Select the GroupBox control, navigate to the Properties window, and set
the following properties:
Set the Name property to gbDeleteCurrency.
Set the Location property's X to 12 and Y to 12.
Set the Size property's Width to 248 and Height to 201.
Set the Text property to Delete Currency.
4. Drag a ListBox control to the GroupBox called gbDeleteCurrency and position
it toward the left side of the GroupBox. Select this ListBox control, navigate to
the Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to lblCurrencyCode.
Set the Location property's X to 19 and Y to 29.
Set the Size property's Width to 85 and Height to 121.
5. Drag a Button control over the GroupBox called gbLoadCurrency, and position
it to the right side of the ListBox control. Select this Button control, navigate to
the Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to btnLoadCurrency.
Set the Location property's X to 118 and Y to 45.
Set the Size property's Width to 116 and Height to 23.
Set the Text property to Load Currency List.
6. Drag another Button control just below btnLoadCurrency. Select this Button
control, navigate to the Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to btnDeleteCurrency.
Set the Location property's X to 118 and Y to 100.
Set the Size property's Width to 116 and Height to 23.
Set the Text property to Delete Currency.
7. Drag a Label control to the GroupBox called gbDeleteCurrency, and position it
below the lstCurrency ListBox. Select this Label control, navigate to the
Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to lblDeleteStatus.
Set the AutoSize property to False.
Set the Location property's X to 16 and Y to 165.
Set the Size property's Width to 218 and Height to 21.
Leave the Text property to Blank.
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