Database Reference
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10. Drag a DateTimePicker control to the form and position it next to the Modified
Date Label control. Select this DateTimePicker control, navigate to the
Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to dtpModifiedDate.
Set the Format property to Short.
Set the Location property's X to 99 and Y to 97.
Set the Size property's Width to 128 and Height to 20.
11. Drag a Button control to the GroupBox called gbInsertCurrency and position it
below the Label and TextBox controls. Select this Button control, navigate to
the Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to btnInsertCurrency.
Set the Location property's X to 56 and Y to 133.
Set the Size property's Width to 128 and Height to 23.
Set the Text property to Insert Currency.
12. Drag another Label control to the GroupBox called gbInsertCurrency and
position it below the Insert Currency button. Select this Label control, navigate
to the Properties window, and set the following properties:
Set the Name property to lblInsertStatus.
Set the AutoSize property to False.
Set the Location property's X to 22 and Y to 168.
Set the Size property's Width to 205 and Height to 21.
13. Now your CommandNonQuery form in the Design view should like
Figure 13-8.
14. Double-click the Insert Currency button, and it will open the code editor
window, showing the btnInsertCurrency_Click event. Modify the
btnInsertCurrency_Click event to look like Listing 13-4.
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