Database Reference
In-Depth Information
9. When the form loads, click the button Count Rows. The result should look like
Figure 13-4.
Figure 13-4. Executing a scalar command
How It Works
All you do is add a call to ExecuteScalar() within a call to the TextBox's AppendText method:
txtScalar.AppendText("Number of Product is :");
// Execute Scalar query with ExecuteScalar method
ExecuteScalar() takes the CommandText property and sends it to the database using the command's
Connection property. It returns the result as a single object, which you display with the TextBox's
AppendText method.
ExecuteScalar() method's return type is object , the base class of all types in the .NET Framework,
which makes perfect sense when you remember that a database can hold any type of data. So, if you
want to assign the returned object to a variable of a specific type (int , for example), you must cast the
object to the specific type. If the types aren't compatible, the system will generate a runtime error that
indicates an invalid cast.
The following is an example that demonstrates this idea. In it, you store the result from
ExecuteScalar() in the variable count , casting it to the specific type int .
int count = (int) cmd.ExecuteScalar();
txtScalar.AppendText ("Number of Products is: "+ count);
If you're sure the type of the result will always be an int (a safe bet with COUNT(*) ), the previous code
is safe. However, if you left the cast to int in place and changed the CommandText of the command to the
select Name
from Production.Product
where ProductNumber='BA-8327'
then ExecuteScalar() would return the string " Bearing Ball " instead of an integer, and you'd get this
Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException:
Specified cast is not valid.
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