Database Reference
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C H A P T E R 8
Understanding Transactions
For any business, transactions play a key role. They may comprise many individual operations and even
other transactions. Transactions are essential for maintaining data integrity both for multiple related
operations and when multiple users update the database concurrently.
This chapter will talk about the concepts related to transactions and how transactions can be used
in SQL Server 2012.
In this chapter, I'll cover the following:
What is a transaction?
When to use transactions
Understanding ACID properties
Transaction design
Transaction state
Specifying transaction boundaries
T-SQL statements allowed in a transaction
Local transactions in SQL Server 2012
Distributed transactions in SQL Server 2012
Guidelines to code efficient transactions
How to code transactions
What Is a Transaction?
A transaction is a set of operations performed so all operations are guaranteed to succeed or fail as one
A common example of a transaction is the process of transferring money from a checking account to
a savings account. This involves two operations: deducting money from the checking account and
adding it to the savings account. Both must succeed together and be committed to the accounts, or both
must fail together and be rolled back so that the accounts are maintained in a consistent state. Under no
circumstances should money be deducted from the checking account but not added to the savings
account (or vice versa). By using a transaction, both the operations, namely, debit and credit, can be
guaranteed to succeed or fail together. So, both accounts remain in a consistent state all the time.
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