Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
! Jardim Botânico
Portinari (see p16) . The building
is now an exhibition space and
has a little café serving excellent
ground coffee and light food.
d Map D6 • Rua Marquês de São Vicente
476, Gávea • (021) 3284 7400 • Open
1-8pm Tue-Sun •
There are 140 hectares (348
acres) of broad, palm-tree lined
avenues, shady paths, and lawns
dotted with classical fountains in
these beautiful botanical
gardens. Many of the trees
here - like the pau brasil,
for which the country
was named - are
threatened with
extinction in the wild.
Their branches and fruits
and the tropical flowers
that fill the garden attract
a wealth of visiting bird
and animal life from the
nearby Floresta da
Tijuca. Allow at least
three hours for a visit
and come at the
beginning of the day
or after 3pm when the
temperatures are
cooler (see pp18-19) .
@ Instituto Moreira Salles
£ Nightlife in
Baixo Gávea
The informal bars around
Praça Santos Dumont in
Baixo Gávea (the lower half
of Gávea) fill with trendy
Cariocas in the evenings
from Thursday to Sunday.
But since most tourists
go out in Ipanema,
Leblon, Copacabana,
and Lapa, visitors are
an anomaly here and
are seldom left to sit
alone. d Map K4 • Praça
Santos Dumont, Gávea
Sculpture in Parque
da Catacumba
$ Parque da Catacumba
Sculptures by Brazilian
artists including Bruno Giorgi and
Alfredo Ceschiatti (who made
many of the monumental statues
in Brasília) dot this wooded park
opposite the Lagoa. A path leads
from near the gate to a 427-ft-
(130-m-) high look-out with great
views of Floresta da Tijuca and
the beaches. d Map N4 • Av Epitácio
Pessoa • Open 8am-6pm daily • Adm
This attractive 19th-century
house is set in lush grounds in
front of a long blue pool. The
gardens were landscaped by
Roberto Burle Marx, one of the
most important landscape archi-
tects of the 20th century. The
colorful murals on the patio are
the work of the famous Brazilian
modernist painter, Cândido
Murals at the Instituto Moreira Salles
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