Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
! Sugar Loaf Mountain
This famous peak sits in
Guanabara Bay, staring out
toward Niterói and the inky blue
Atlantic. The view from the top is
as breathtaking as from Cristo
Redentor and looks best in the
early morning. Although
indigenous Brazilians have been
scaling this rock for centuries,
the first European reached the
summit in 1817. Nowadays it is
far easier to get there - by
cable car, helicopter, or trail
(see pp12-13) .
@ Monumento Nacional
Igreja Nossa Senhora da Glória do Outeiro
£ Igreja Nossa Senhora da
aos Mortos da II Guerra
Mundial (War Memorial)
This beautifully balanced plinth
supports two concrete columns
topped by a convex slab, and is
one of Rio's most impressive
Modernist monuments. Often
attributed to Oscar Niemeyer
(see p68), it was designed by
architects Marcos Konder Neto
and Hélio Ribas Marinho in 1952
to commemorate the Brazilian
soldiers who were killed in fight-
ing in Italy during World War II. d
Map X5 • Av Infante Dom Henrique s/n,
Glória • (021) 2262 3935 • Open 10am-
6pm Tue-Fri and 2-6pm Sat-Sun
Glória do Outeiro
One of the prettiest 18th-century
churches in Rio lies just to the
south of the War Memorial. It is
perched on a little hill surrounded
by woods, and overlooks the bay.
The polygonal interior, lined with
very fine painted blue and white
azulejo tiles, is impressive. The
church was the favorite of the
Brazilian royal family. Emperor
Dom Pedro II (see p31) was
baptized here. d Map X6 • Praça
Nossa Senhora da Glória 135, Glória
• (021) 2557 4600 • Open 9am-noon and
1-5pm Tue-Fri, 9am-noon Sat & Sun • Adm
$ Museu Carmen Miranda
A handful of relics from the
first international Brazilian sing-
ing star are housed in this ungain-
ly building shaped like a concrete
pill box. On display are photos,
costumes, newspaper cuttings,
and magazine covers. Although
Carmen lived in the city as a
child and a teenager, she was
born in Lisbon and her version of
“being Brazilian” is generally
regarded as a caricature. d Map
H4 • Parque Brigadeiro Eduardo Gomes
(in front of Av Rui Barbosa 560), Flamengo
• (021) 2299 5586 • Open 10am-5pm
Tue-Fri, noon-5pm Sat-Sun • Adm
War Memorial in Glória
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