Biology Reference
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Figure 10.3 Discovery of ES stemness genes by transcriptome profiling. Venn
diagram showing intersection of ES-specific genes from three studies (indicated
by first author's name). The 332 genes are common to all studies and therefore
represent genes most likely to play a role in either maintaining ES cell totipotency
or important for ES cellular physiology. The top 20 genes on the list are shown
in the table.
oncogenes, SP1 transcription factor, caspase 3 (CASP) protease, and
retinoic acid receptor activator (RARA) pathways analyzed by Ingenuity's
Pathway Assist. All the networks showing a high degree of connectivity
are pathways related to cell cycle, apoptosis, and differentiation, which
are critical functions during ES cell growth and proliferation and embryo
development. When the program was interrogated further to compute
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