Biology Reference
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Figure 7.8 Screen shot of the flux analysis part of MetaFluxNet. Flux
distributions can be interactively determined and dynamically visualized via a
user-friendly interface.
which is invaluable not only for understanding the metabolic and
physiological changes in cells under different conditions, but also for
developing new metabolic engineering strategies to achieve desired
goals. An interactive and dynamic graphical user interface is also
provided to display metabolic reaction pathways with flux distribu-
tion results as depicted in figure 7.8. The pathways are automatically
and dynamically visualized by the spring embedder layout algorithm
supported in the program. In the most recent version released (version, systems biology markup language (SBML) [78] is supported
to communicate with other systems biology platforms, thus expanding
its usability.
Figure 7.9 outlines the conceptual procedure for the systems biotech-
nological strategy toward the development of improved strains. In
silico and wet experiments are carried out on the basis of computational
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