Biology Reference
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coupled to a matrix column,
proteins to be equally
and only those proteins
False negatives, because
that bind to it are retained
Highly sensitive to even the
complexes may not form due to
from an appropriate extract
weakest of protein-protein
a lack of appropriate protein
(that is ultimately eluted by,
modifications, or due to the
e.g., a high-salt concentration),
Enables the detection of both
associated resin.
whereas all others pass
the domains and critical
Amount of extract applied is
through the affinity
residues of a protein that are
highly critical: too little of one
chromatography column or
responsible for a specific
kind of protein may cause
are readily washed off under
interactions to go unnoticed,
low-salt conditions.
Interactions that depend
whereas too much may cause
upon multi-subunit
minor ligand species to be
tethering can be detected.
Protein probing
Indicates which proteins in an
Enables the unbiased testing
Proteins encoded by the library
expression library bind to a
of multiple ligands against a
may not fold or undergo
specific probe ligand.
specific target protein,
appropriate posttranslational
A labeled protein is used
enabling, e.g., less abundant
modifications in E. coli and/or
as a probe to screen an
proteins to be equally
on a nitrocellulose structure.
expression library, and
Binding conditions are arbitrarily
interactions between an
The protein probe may be
imposed by the investigator, as
immobilized (library)
manipulated in vitro to
opposed to mimicking the native
protein and the labeled
introduce a specific
probe protein occur on an
posttranslational modification
All possible combinations of
intermediary nitrocellulose
that is essential for the
protein-protein interactions
filter. The filter is
ability of the probe to bind
are assayed, including those
subsequently washed of
to ligand(s) in the
that might never occur in vivo.
nonbinding compounds
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