Biology Reference
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ndhF sequence of Magnolia latahensis (Magnoliaceae) and an rbcL sequence of Persea pseu-
docarolinensis (Lauraceae). Am. J. Bot . 91:615-20. [Clarkia fossil beds, Idaho, 17-20 Ma.]
Little, S. A., and R. A. Stockey. 2003. Vegetative growth of Decodon allenbyensis (Lythraceae)
from the Miocene Princeton Chert with anatomical comparisons to Decodon verticillatus .
Int. J. Plant Sci. 164:453-69.
Little, S. A., R. A. Stockey, and R. C. Keating. 2004. Duabanga -like leaves from the middle
Eocene Princeton Chert and comparative leaf histology of Lythraceae sensu lato. Am. J. Bot .
Liu, Z., et al. (eight coauthors). 2009. Global cooling during the Eocene-Oligocene climate
transition. Science 323:1187-90.
Lorente, M. A. 1986. Palynology and palynofacies of the upper Tertiary in Venezuela . Dissertatio-
nes Botanicae 99. J. Cramer, Berlin.
Manchester, S. R., and E. J. Hermsen. 2000. Flowers, fruits, seeds, and pollen of Lan-
deenia gen. nov., an extinct sapindalean genus from the Eocene of Wyoming. Am. J. Bot .
87:1909-14. [Recognizes L. aralioides (MacGinitie) comb. nov. for the middle Eocene
Bridger Formation, southwestern Wyoming.]
Manchester, S. R., and W. C. McIntosh. 2007. Late Eocene silicifi ed fruits and seeds from the
John Day Formation near Post, Oregon. PaleoBios 27:7-17.
Meyer, H. W. 2003. The fossils of Florissant . Smithsonian Books, Washington, D.C., and
Mindell, R. A., R. A. Stockey, and G. Beard. 2006. Anatomically preserved staminate infl o-
rescences of Gynoplatananthus oysterbayensis gen. et sp. nov. (Platanaceae) and associated
pistillate fructifi cations from the Eocene of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Int. J.
Plant Sci . 167:591-600. [Appian Way locality.]
———. 2007. Cascadiacarpa spinosa gen. et sp. nov. (Fagaceae): Castaneoid fruits from the
Eocene of Vancouver Island, Canada. Am. J. Bot . 94:351-61. [Appian Way locality.]
Mindell, R. A., R. A. Stockey, G. Beard, and R. S. Currah. 2007. Margaretbarromyces dictyospo-
rus gen sp. nov.: A permineralized corticolous ascomycete from the Eocene of Vancouver
Island, British Columbia. Mycol. Res. 111:680-84. [Appian Way locality.]
Mindell, R. A., R. A. Stockey, G. W. Rothwell, and G. Beard. 2006. Gleichenia appianensis sp.
nov. (Gleicheniaceae): A permineralized rhizome and associated vegetative remains from
the Eocene of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Int. J. Plant Sci . 167:639-47. [Appian
Way locality.]
Morrill, C., E. E. Small, and L. C. Sloan. 2001. Modeling orbitan forcing of lake level change:
Lake Gosiute (Eocene), North America. Global Planet. Change 29:57-76. [Green River For-
mation, southwest Wyoming: “[L]ake evaporation ~25% higher when perihelion occurs at
the summer solstice.”]
O'Brien, N. R., H. W. Meyer, K. Reilly, A. M. Ross, and S. Maguire. 2002. Microbial tapho-
nomic processes in the fossilization of insects and plants in the late Eocene Florissant
Formation, Colorado. Rocky Mountain Geology 37:1-11.
Otto, A., J. D. White, and B. R. T. Simoneit. 2002. Natural product terpenoids in Eocene and
Miocene conifer fossils. Science 297:1543-45. [The results show that “fossil conifers can
contain polar terpenoids, which are valuable markers for (paleo)chemosystematics and
Rankin, B. D., R. A. Stockey, and G. Beard. 2008. Fruits of Icacinaceae from the Eocene Ap-
pian Way locality of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Int. J. Plant Sci . 169:305-14.
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